Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What's new this Week in the Midnight Writer's Network?

It's been a busy month for us at Mountain Spirit Productions with our internet work and in building our blog freelance writing network. Cephas and I are building this business together while we travel and work on our peace projects, our ministry, a novel and plans to travel abroad. So it always amazes us when we are able to maintain this vast blog network and make progress in its development while we keep up with our busy lives.

The biggest news is that we added quite a few new blogs that are in various stages of pre-launch. We realized that there are many popular niches that we've virtually not even tapped. So I give you the brief introduction with the promise to write a full detailed post about each blog as I develop the themes and get some good content posted. For now, here is a list of titles so you'll know what you have to look forward to in the coming months.

The Seven Thunders
A Dog Named Elvis
Wisdom in Youth
Petra in 2011
Historic Seaports
Paris Runway
Sweet Connie's Treats
Eat Fresh Organics
Campfire Traditions
Classy World Hotels
Rainbow Family History
Rainbow Oracle

Count them, folks! That makes twelve new blogs in our freelance network. We're really excited to be adding vibrant new blogs with versatile subject matter to our grouping. Now, most of these blogs are in the very early creation stage. Some only have a theme and post ideas in draft but if you visit again next month, you'll find some good reading. Meanwhile, watch for the launch news of each one of these blogs right here on The Midnight Writer's Blogs.

The Midnight Writer

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Midnight Writer's Network

This is the centralized panel for our freelance writing network. It's been a long arduous road getting these blogs to a state of completion. There is a lot of work yet to be done. I wanted to share this site in case you haven't seen it yet and to let you know that we have great things in store for this blog. Eventually, we want it to serve as a freelance writing/blogging portal for other writers who share the professional vision that Cephas and I share together. It's an exciting project so let me tell you more about it.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Seven Thunders Prophetic Writings Launched

Since 1998, inspired and prophetic writings given by the power of the Holy Spirit of God have been kept safe on a free website. I have longed to publish them on a blog with a domain name so they can be actively shared. Now comparisons to ancient prophecy and modern day events can be made by a wide audience, which is why these writings were given. That dream came to fruition today. Thank God.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Twitter Files Info

Nine months ago in a blog creation frenzy, I created yet another blog titled Twitter Files Info. It's a subdomain of my blog The Twitter Files so it has an odd url. Just bookmark the link so you won't have to remember how to type it in each time. That will make it easy for you. Back to the topic of my unknown blog Twitter Files Info. ....

Like so many blogs created in a passionate stormy love for creating, this blog never made it to the launch pad. In fact, it fared worse than many of my inspired projects because I have too many projects and not enough time or proper planning to use the time that I have. You are hearing about this site probably for the first time. It doesn't even have one post on it yet so you will be the first to see this vision become reality. I'll be writing a post there today so be sure to return and visit often. I'm looking for your feedback on this blog. Please leave comments on this post and on The Twitter Files Info. I will consider all good ideas.

Want to write a guest post and become part of this blog's historical launch? Leave a comment or email me at themidnightwriter1 at gmail com. I'll respond to you as quickly as possible. If you write a guest post you may place a link to one of your favorite personal blogs in return. Sound fair? What are you waiting for? Let's make twitter history together!!!

The Midnight Writer

Monday, March 22, 2010

Midnight Writer's Herbal Remedies

Before I became a professional blogger, I spent many years traveling and exploring mountains and wild lands to learn about natural foods and medicines. During the summer months, my husband Cephas and I still attend the annual gathering of the tribes of the rainbow family of living light to teach and share our love for natural healing. I am dedicating this blog to those long years of growth, learning, healing and loving my fellow humanity.

At this time, the blog doesn't have many posts but there are a few articles of interest about herbs and wild plants. View some of the videos that I recorded last year in Oregon at one of our favorite wild remote retreats. We give you a tour of the path to the seasonal water fall that comes down from the high rocks above and flows through the little hidden canyon until it surfaces on the old highway where it finds its way back to the river.

This hidden little canyon is ripe with fragrant sage and yarrow, an herbal miracle medicine that we use frequently. Of course, we picked some of each. I wrote a little bit about the plants that we use on a regular basis. Cephas and I favor the herbs that we can pick in the wild so we spend a lot of time learning to identify plants. We utilize plant identifying books as well as videos for this knowledge.

I created the blog Midnight Writer's Herbal Remedies in October of 2008 during an extended stay in the Yuba City area. That winter, we spent a lot of time camping in the Sutter valley area and traveled intermittenly along the coast on Highway 101. We always enjoy the oceans and redwood forests of California. If I had my way, I would live in the area but our work calls us around the nation. That fall, we started this whole blogging quest. First, we worked in Idaho the previous spring at a public library while we enjoyed hikes along the snake river canyon. That was our pre-laptop days. During the fall of 2008, I was inspired to set up a lot of free blogs on blogspot to let them gain the age they would need. You can read more about our quest on The Midnight Writer's Freelance Quest. It's full of great stories. Start  with "Qualifying, the Race is On!"

Now back to the herbal blog. What can you hope to find on this site? Well, I will be writing about herbal medicinal formulas, teas, simple foods and wild edibles. Some features will focus on outward therapies using poultices, massage oils, accupressure and other hands on therapies. I don't want to divulge too much information. Book mark our healing blog and visit us often. See you in the wilds of the mountains somewhere this spring and summer.

The Midnight Writer

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Fever has amped up my Blog Improvement Drive

The other day I counted my blogs that have domain names located within my personal freelance writing network. I have 50 professional blogs. Total. How many are up to the standards that I've set for them? Probably 10 or less. It's time to turn my spring fever towards a passion for renewal in my entire blog network, so that is what I'm doing now.

You may have already seen dozens of major changes in my blogs from a face lift with a new theme or a blog domain name. Now that all those are set up to my satisfaction, I am concentrating on blog content. This is the fun part of running your own freelance blogging business! I choose to use original content written mostly by "yours truly" so let's roll up our sleeves and get busy.

Let me recap some of the newer blogs for you just to make the reference a little easier. In the coming months, I'll be writing feature articles on each blog while I give updates on the growth and process of each one. 

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Blog needs its own Business Card

It makes sense to me that if brick and mortar companies benefit from utilizing business cards to generate business, then a blogging or freelance writing business would, too. I had this great idea about designing a brand logo for my freelance writing network. Then I thought about the unique blog niches in my network and wondered how to present each one on alternate cards. It would be like creating a rotating image on a flash sign or a different photo on a website. I'd have the layout for my freelance company as the main theme. Then I'd take photos of my blogs and alternate the images with a small description of each one on sets of business cards. I know that sounds like a lot of work but it's a good idea, isn't it?

That presents one more problem for me though. If I create such an intricate set of calling cards for my business then I have to find someone to print them according to my specifications. It could take weeks to search out the endless possibilities available for business promotional material. I would have to narrow my search to companies that specialize then order business cards from that company. Pricing would have to be affordable because I intend to hand these out like chocolates in at grade school party.

I'm looking for exposure for my blogs because I am selling them as an outlet for my writing review work. Owning a blog network is akin to running a magazine company. In that case, I'm a full time publisher of over fifty magazines. That's a lot of blogs to maintain and will require a unique promotional angle. I better get busy sketching those business cards. We're traveling throughout California now so I can test the effectiveness of placing my business cards on bulletin boards around the state. I just have to fine tune the design! What do you think would make a good logo for The Midnight Writer's Network?

Day Blog Planner

Blog Day Planner is such a popular blog nowadays, I decided to create a companion site for it. Meet Day Blog Planner. While the first blog focuses on organization, creation and maintenance techniques for professional bloggers, the companion site will turn its attention to life in general with a hint of freelance writing in the mix.

As you can clearly see, the personalities of these blogs is very different. The themes are as unique as the niche and content of these sites. But I intend to use them as the melody and chorus in synchronization of a greater symphony. I hope you enjoy the melding of these blog life stages.

Today's Society Depends on Electronic Games for Entertainment

Our world has evolved into a technologically dependent culture and electronic games have permeated daily life in a way that defies class or culture. People of all ages today play games on some sort of electronic device as part of routine. Since the invention of the computer and cell phones with text message, society depends on those electronic devices for communication, organization and for entertainment. It seems to me that people have forgotten how to relax and just think. Instead, we grab a mini electronic device at every opportunity just to press little buttons in hopes of beating some computer generated odds. Games are the most common pastime today.

Since so much time is spent stimulating the brain with these devices, funbrain is one place to visit online where you can choose many types of games from simple to complex. Playing games is both educational and fun because chemicals released in the brain during certain levels of excitement have positive effects on the neurological brain function and can help improve memory. Exercise your brain and stay sharp even into late senior years. Try word games like Scrabble or card games as simple as Solitaire and notice how your thinking ability will improve. Ideas will flow more quickly. Your reflexes will increase sharply if you play games that use a lot of visual and audio stimulation. 

Saturday, March 13, 2010

In Post Links is the New Address for Pay Per Post

Pay Per Post spent several months rebuilding the new PPV4 Alpha while it still ran the old Beta 3 platform. I belonged to both during the transition time but PPP Beta 3 was my first love. I wrote quite a few posts for them. PPP v4 Alpha came on the scene and I was instantly enamored. As soon as the announcement came out about its launch, I signed up for an account. Within the first week I was blogging for them while still maintaining an active blogging status at PPP Beta 3. Then one day, Beta 3 vanished and I thought it was gone for good.

Just today, I logged onto V4 Alpha to check for current assignments when I saw the notice "looking for the old Pay Per Post?" So I clicked it to a delightful discovery. My old friend is alive and well with a whole new address. All my old articles and files are in tact. Just remember to log in to Pay Per Post at In Post Links. I'm excited!!! I have to go now because I have lots of blogs to enter and claim and disclosure posts to make. If you haven't joined either site, I highly recommend both of them. Cruise on over there today and start blogging for vacation cash.

The Midnight Writer

Check out the new Face of Blog Me Back 2

It's hot and it's modern and it has social site buttons for instant sharing! I'm so pleased with the new blog theme for Blog Me Back 2. From the sassy chick in the header (that's my dream self 20 years ago! shhh...don't tell anyone)...to the streamlined magazine style front page that let's you decide if you want to read the entire post without having to suffer all the way through hundreds of words...to the clean layout, nice white background, two sidebars and finally, the social network buttons at the bottom of each post allows me to instantly share what I've written so it will go down into the halls of blog infamy...whew!!! Take a breath...that was a huge run on sentence, I know-but I got excited.

Visit Blog Me Back 2 and tell me what you think. Don't forget to sign up to get your review in the spotlight. See you there.

The Midnight Writer

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Twitter Files

When I first envisioned The Twitter Files, I was filled with ideas and the passion to set it up with all the content guidelines. I planned to write a couple dozen posts and then hold this big splash launch on Twitter, Facebook and everywhere.

Then, the snows of winter started early...we left our house for good in Pennsylvania and headed for California where we've been traveling and living in our van. So, I fell behind. Don't worry though, I'm getting ready to make it up to you.

What is The Twitter Files all about?

It's everything twitter....the latest buzz...the most tweeted topics and responses.....famous tweeters....the xfiles.....how twitter is used as a social network and a business tool....to name just a few key topics of discussion you will find on the site. Mostly, it's about you and what you find important enough to send a 160 character text to the world so everyone can read what you have to say.

Do you have a favorite twitter topic? A twitter application that you fell in love with? A famous tweet? Send them to us so we can spotlight you right here on The Twitter Files. You'll go down in tweeter history! Just send a DM to @thetweetfiles or email themidnightwriter1@gmail.com. See you in Twitterdome.

Check out the site and see what's rockin on The Twitter Files. Be sure to follow us on twitter at @thetweetfiles. Please share this with all your followers and friends, too.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I Added this Site to Social Spark Today

It has been my intention since I joined Social Spark in 2008, to submit 40 blogs. When my Race in The Midnight Writer's Freelance Request began two years ago, that number was my ultimate goal. I wanted to have 40 blogs with domain names and unique styles and content. Recently, I reached that goal so now I am tweaking the content, the widgets and increasing frequency of posts. Today, I began adding this massive list of blogs to Social Spark. Since this is my Grand Central Station for  all my blogs in the network, it only made sense to get this one listed. I'm surprised that I haven't done it sooner. I guess I'm really getting in the groove now so watch these computer keys smoke as I get it all together to focus the freelance blogging writing network of my dreams.

I hope Social Spark approves this blog because I am really anxious to share this new layout design with all their wonderful advertisers. I'll keep my fingers crossed and continue the quest to increase posting frequency. Meanwhile, visit my Social Spark Profile and say hey to me after you sign up as a professional blogger.  See you in the blogging social network of this decade. Ted Murphy, you rock! (He's the CEO and creator of Social Spark.)

The Midnight Writer

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