Monday, January 24, 2011

The Midnight Writer's Journal is Here

Yesterday was an exciting day for me in my blogging business. I was able to retrieve this hosted blog by paying one month after the site was down for a few months. During this time I experienced some financial difficulty but the neat surprise in this whole experience is that I did not lose one bit of data.

Squarespace - you rock!!!!

This is my big news of the week. If you haven't visited my new/old site yet, hurry on over by clicking this link to The Midnight Writer's Journal and check it out. I think you'll like the reading and the blog's style.

I take suggestions and content or topic requests so be sure to express your view by leaving a comment. Hurry over there today and visit Sherwood Forest. Have fun blogging!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Revolution Matrix One Returns

I'm excited to announce the return of one of my blogs that expired. I retrieved the domain name and purchased a Wordpress blog space for it. I'll be rebuilding Revolution Matrix One in the coming weeks and will announce its big debut right here on my blog network. There's some extra excitement about the return of this blog. I have invited a ghost writing friend of mine to write some feature posts because her interests are close to mine and this will bring diversity to my blog. Come back for the grand debut and meet Sarah Rhoades. She is a family history and history/theater buff so if any of these areas capture your mind you will want to meet Sarah.

I will be featuring some famous literary works while dabbling in some advertising tips, tricks and networking. I'm considering the idea of having one special guest writer a week aside from Sarah Rhoades and "yours truly" so if you are interested in splashing your soul on our pages, leave a comment below with your email and I'll get back to you with all the details.


The Midnight Writer

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Today's Focus is still updating blog posts

I am on a quest to retrieve my blog rank and about a dozen domains for hosted blogs that I had to drop due to health, financial and personal issues this year. My writing days are filled with finding useful interesting content for multiple blogs. The focus is set for a dozen blogs at a time until I can achieve posts two to three times per week and gain back my 2 and 3 blog ranks that I had on most of them before my blogging crash. In case you were wondering, Cephas and I took some trips this year that shifted our focus to personal and family time as well as a pursuit of a dream to write a novel that will become a movie. We are in the midst of that venture even now. Our plans are taking us to the Redwoods for some serious writing and business focus then back to Los Angeles to meet with some folks who will help bring this dream to fruition.

Today, I 've chosen some of my most commonly read blogs to update which includes the one you're reading now. Other posts included an article about the Tule Fog that covered a wide swath of the Sacramento Valley and an article about novel writing on Freelance Review. I'll be turning my focus to my book later so I probably won't be writing many posts tonight. Enjoy reading and please keep on writing. If you have a good article to share and want to guest post on one of my blogs, just leave a comment below and I'll contact you by email. Want to be a guest writer today?

The Midnight Writer

Friday, January 14, 2011

I'm working on updating blogs

I don't have any new blogs to announce but I am working to update about thirty in my blog network. My rank suffered on my six month downtime and I'm still working on retrieving some domains. Give me a couple months and everything will be running smoothly. I have some offline projects that are keeping me bustling that I will announce news about on my blogs. Meanwhile, check out the latest posts and stay tuned for more news as it happens.

Visit The Midnight Writer to see a video we shot last year in the redwood forests of northern California along the Avenue of the Giants. I'm reminiscing while a plan a trip there in the very near future. I call this "My Heart is in the Redwoods".

Head on over to my Classy World Hotels blog to see photos of a very chic hotel in Athens. If you're planning a trip to Greece any time soon then you'll want to read about this five star hotel featured on my blog.

I wrote about my aspirations for peace on Making of a Walking.  This post is titled "The Journey for Peace is an Eternal Quest".  If you want some spiritual food then visit there and ponder the concepts that I shared.

I'll be making updates on many of my blogs in the coming weeks so watch for those announcements right here and please make suggestions for content on any of my blogs, including this one. I'm looking for ideas on how to use this site to discuss freelance writing and blogging as a profession or for private expression.

The Midnight Writer

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Countdown till 2012 Blog chronicles prophetic Events

Tune into this blog which is fast becoming a favorite of my readers, advertisers and yours truly. Please bear with the guest posts and the advertisements as I work on research for more intriguing subject matter that is destined to fill its pages. After all, a starving writer has to eat sometime and the advertisers help cover my online costs so that my stories come to my audience freely. Please support my sponsors just by returning to Countdown till 2012 often to read the latest on cataclysmic events, severe weather, solar flares, CME's, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, earthquakes, planetary alignments and eclipses.

It's hard to choose a topic for this blog whenever I sit down to write on it because there are so many events taking place on a planetary scale that merit covering. In one given day, I can choose from a volcano erupting in Hawaii to the solar sunrise eclipse that is accompanied by meteor showers. If that's not intense enough for story headlines then what do you think of large portions of Australia flooding or England having an earthquake? See my dilemma? There are so many stories to cover that my new blog related to prophetic events that are leading up to the prophesied event of polarity shift that I cannot cover them alone. It takes an entire news team to just brief the topics on a daily basis.

The long and short of my point is that Countdown till 2012 will continue to research the facts to these sensational headlines so I can bring the story to its pages for you to read. And I'll keep doing that right on into 2012 when we will all find out if the Mayans were right. If they were, then I'll be seeing you in the fifth world and we'll share life on a whole new level. Enjoy reading and please share your ideas for my favorite topic, prophesy as it relates to current world events.

The Midnight Writer

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