Monday, December 1, 2008

Excited About Entrecard

Entrecard is a program that allows bloggers to drop their "card" on one another. The entrecard specific to your site and designed by "you" using imagery and text of your choice, is loaded into the Entrecard dashboard, then onto the blog for which you created it.

Thousands of bloggers surf Entrecard through their dashboard, and "drop" on your widget. Don't worry, Entrecard software takes care of all the technical details. All you do is surf and drop.

The concept behind Entrecard is to facilitate a social network on one site whereby bloggers can visit one another's sites, drop on each other's widget to let the person know you came by - sort of a drop by howdy- this helps to increase your blog views and it helps to inspire networking and communication among bloggers.

I absolutely love Entrecard and I am sure you will, too. If you have not already tried it, cruise on over and sign up today. Load your card on your blog and start surfing and dropping. Be sure to come back here to visit me in a couple days. My Entrecard will be fully active by then on this site.

Meanwhile, visit my other blogs that have Entrecard and drop a howdy there, please. I encourage comments on my blogs as well and will gladly reciprocate. Leave a link to your blog when you visit. I welcome it. Further, I will write a blog review if you make a request on one of my blogs. Or email me at

My Entrecard Active Sites

The Midnight Writer's Journal
The Midnight Writer
Blog Day Planner

There are just a few rules to keep in mind. Entrecard requires that you have a blog before registering at their site. Blogs must have a minimum of five entries. The Entrecard widget must be loaded on the blog that is registered on your dashboard account.

Have fun surfing and dropping. See you in Entrecard land!
One more fun bonus that a lot of bloggers ad to make it more fun is listing their top ten Entrecard droppers on one of their blogs with a link back to the dropper. This gives you back links and brings new people over to your site to hang out now and then.

The Midnight Writer


Eric : Blog De Manila said...

just visited and dropped Entrecard in all your blogs and wow!... you're hands are full!!

Aside from Entrecard, another advertising network I'm using right now is Adgitize. Same like EC wherein you earn credits or points when you visit another member's blog, BUT the difference is that on Adgitize they convert your points to cold CASH at the end of the month and send you the payment on PayPal!

you may check my blog about it for more information at

or if you want you can directly to Adgitize

at your Service!


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