Monday, May 31, 2010

Photo Blogging adds new Dimensions to your Blog

Photo taken in the redwoods at the Smith River in California.

I love taking photos and I think my partner Cephas loves taking pictures even more than me. At this time, we don't have an exclusive photo blog but we have been experimenting with using photos to spawn ideas and to spark blog conversation. Let me tell you, it is a very effective technique. So those of you who are at a loss for words, get out your digital camera and start taking photos of anything that catches your eye. You will be totally amazed at how much your writing will become inspired just based on the photos you capture.

Look at the photograph at the top of this post. Clear your mind and just let the image talk to you. Get a piece of paper or open your notebook/laptop and just start brainstorming. Let the ideas flow from you like water and keep writing without giving it any thought or preconceived form. I'm guessing that you can fill an entire page in a couple minutes of topics, ideas, phrases, titles, descriptions and complete lines. It would be fun to have a writing contest based on one photograph. Please share your ideas with me and tell me what this photo inspired you to write. Feel free to use it on your blog and to write a post but link back to my blog and give photo credits. Have fun and tell me what ideas you come up with for photo blogging.

The Midnight Writer

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Blog Me Back Too

Literally, I want you to Blog Me Back.

The sole purpose of this blog is to encourage reciprocal blogging where bloggers write reciprocal reviews for one another. Each post can be random regarding topic and length and does not even have to be a return post for one that was recently written about this blog in particular. In fact, I encourage bloggers to choose one of my blogs randomly and to create topics that are unusual, versatile and even a little surprising.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Pack your Bags for Adventure at World Class Hotels

I finally did it! I created a travel blog that features classy world hotels. As long as I'm perpetually traveling and staying in motels/hotels, I will have a peak interest in this area. It's a great niche about which I'm getting excited. The possibilities for publishing real stories about real world class hotels is foremost on my mind. If only I could find a way to review these hotels with a free pass to stay and enjoy the space. That would be an opportunity to write an honest review. Think I should start mailing proposals?

This blog is a brand new adventure for me with only about two months in age and 14 posts total but I'm holding high hopes for its progress and success. It's already in hot demand by the advertisers on Pay Per Post so time will tell the story, to cop a metaphor. One main objective for Classy World Hotels is to seek out and feature one castle every month and two exquisite world hotels of prestige and appeal. The quest will be more fun than the actual writing. Now you can see why I'd like to review these sites personally. Join me for tours around the world and learn about the unique hotels for world class travelers.

The Midnight Writer

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Our Trip to Tulsa

We had planned a special 2 day trip to Tulsa for the kids over spring break. We got the bags packed, loaded up the car, set the home adt security system, and got out the door. We had barely left town when we realized my brother in law wanted to come along. We came back to town and picked him before heading on our way again.

When arriving in Tulsa, we checked into our hotel. We stayed at The Renaissance. It had a small indoor water park for the kids to play in for a bit. They were both so excited about this part of the trip. We changed into our swim suits and went right down there. It was only about 3 foot tall so my oldest daughter could touch in the entire thing. This was great, so I didn't have to worry about her too much. They had a blast sliding and playing on the lily pads. We spent about 2 hours here before going back to change clothes.

We got ready and went out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse. This is one of my favorite places to eat. Our 2 year old quickly figured out she was allowed to throw peanuts on the floor and had a blast! After an amazing meal, we stopped by Target and then headed back to the hotel.

We had a nice nights sleep and then the next day went to the Oklahoma Aquarium. They had so much stuff to see. The kids loved the shrimp that they could touch. They were also able to feed the turtles with food on the end of a long stick. There were so many different types of fish to look at and enjoy. We spent about 4 hours there and looked at everything. We then made a quick stop off in the gift shop and got both girls a new toy. After that, we were headed on home after a quick stop along the way for ice cream. We had a great time and this is a trip we would enjoy again for sure!

This is a guest post by Kattie Swarmson

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Visit Historic Seaports Far into Recorded History

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

They Are Watching You unveils popular Conspiracy Theories


This blog will cover all sorts of theories about conspiracies and unexplained events or political movements that seem to be something other than what they appear. We welcome your input on this blog and invite open dialogue. If you have a story to share, we want to hear it. Leave a comment below. Jessie Ventura, come on down to share your information about H.A.R.P. with us. That would be a good beginning for this blog.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Petra in 2011 is a three year old Vision coming to Fruition

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Elite Blog Reviews gives a hint of Aristocracy to Blogging

This is one of my professional masterpieces when it comes to blogging. Elite Blog Reviews focuses on the art of creative writing and an aristocratic audience who cares about the style and depth of the content as much as the aesthetics of the blog. Writing is a noble art form that has been sought by the elite in society and the privileged few in the darker ages of mankind's history. Today, writing is prolifically available everywhere but style and finesse has diminished along with the appreciation for the fineness of this artform. Learn to appreciate writing as an art and develop your natural innate talent with practice over time. Spend energy reading the finer works of prose, poetry, legendary history, and the great works of literature. Visit my blog occasionally as I seek out these works and review them right here on Elite Blog Reviews.

Do you have some suggestions for my blog?

The Midnight Writer

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