Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Countdown till 2012

Movies like 2012 coupled with disasters and extreme weather have inspired more people to wake up to the possibility that prophecy could be sounding a warning worth heeding. All these things inspired me to create this blog but my fascination with comets and prophecy pre-exist the current trend. I have been a fan of ancient scripture, ie prophecy, since my youth. Even before Junior High School, I would read books about ancient civilizations.

I read the Bible my whole life because I always loved reading the word of God. It inspired every aspect of my life. I loved prophecy then as a pre-teen & teen and I love to read it now. The promises contained within the passages of scripture are awe inspiring and surreal. My heart beats with a passion for the living word of spirit and for reckoning with ancient voices preserved in tablets of stone for our modern civilization. It just bends my mind to imagine how God gave us glimpses through time.

As a adult at age 40, I discovered the annual gathering of the tribes of the Rainbow Family of Living Light. I fell in love with what I consider my life's destiny. That path drew me deeper into studying ancient scriptures from many religions. I embraced what I always believed to be true. We are spirit and our flesh responds to what our will dictates, what our heart desires, what our mind believes. I walk in the knowledge that we are spiritual eternal beings who are all inter-connected. As rainbows say, "We are One". One heart. One mind. Ancient scripture cited that mankind is all one mind and one heart Godward.  The rainbow gatherings opened my spiritual vision completely and I began to see the guidance written in spirit to walk the way of love and peace.

Hopi prophecy and ancient Mayan prophecy each play a vital role in the forming of this unique gathering of tribes of all peoples. They come together in preparation for the new world to come where all people will live together in peace and harmony. These ancient peoples foretold the coming of the multi- colored tribes of people who would gather in the end times. This is a significant reason that I follow the ancient visions and prophecies. It is also why I write about it. I'm excited to explore the unfolding dramatic events that will occur on earth, in the heavens and  in the stars. Transformation will renew the hearts and minds of all living creatures.

If you've read any of the posts on Countdown till 2012, then you know that comets and solar flares that cause massive electromagnetic storms are a highlight of the blog. Comets are prophesied in ancient scripture as well so I'm seeking the connections. I am searching for understanding. Follow along with me as I travel the path to enlightenment until we all reach the fires of translation into immortality.

The Midnight Writer


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