Friday, May 22, 2009

What's New in The Midnight Writer's World?

Travel is a big part of this past two months and in a way it feels very good after being stuck and broken down in Alexandria, Virginia. I feel that we did not give this city or the entire Washington DC region a fair chance because of our circumstances with the van needing such a big repair job. It is definitely a place to return under different circumstances so we can visit all the sites.

For now, I am enjoying all the travel with Cephas on the west coast. It is a great big breath of fresh air and it feels very healing to my soul. I longed for the mountains and forests while we were in Virginia but saw mainly crowded city streets.

We are gathering lots of stories and taking some great photos and videos on our travels through Oregon and California. There were a few photo opportunities that we took in Utah and Idaho as well, but merely in passing through. I would love to go back to these three states on an extensive tour looking for sites of interest and events to document, video and photograph.

As a writer, I am living my profession and bringing the live stories into the adventure. I don’t wait for the stories to come. I seek them out or create the experience then write about it. Cephas is really getting into the act as well. He loves exploring and finding great places to photograph or that unique story to write. We make a great team!

Tomorrow, we are taking a walk into the Richardson Grove of the Redwood forests. This is one of our favorite places to stop and camp or hike or just to admire the beauty and reflect on its awesome nature. We’ll be taking some video and still shots to share with you so watch for those to come on one or several of our blogs.

On my next post, I’ll give you an update on our blogs as I am way behind on that. Tomorrow, you will see new posts on The Midnight Writer’s Cafe, the infamous Smorty blog.

This blog was rejected by Pay Per Post for writing sponsored reviews due to lack of enough posts in a specified time frame, so you’ll see me improve the frequency of posts right here. I will try to keep it interesting!

Watch for the upcoming release of a new blog in development called Niche Blogging. It has a great chocolate heart on the sand and chocolate ocean theme that you will love. The posts are minimal at this time but will be Entrecard ready tomorrow and ready to launch in the blogging market in two months. While you’re waiting for its grand debut, go on over there and check it out. I’m open for opinions, comments and suggestions.

I will be announcing some special guests on my blog network soon so watch for that. One new guest blogger has a very unique, compelling human interest story to share and I can’t wait till she writes her first guest post. Afterwards, I’ll be featuring my special guest in The Midnight Special Spotlight.
A recent post appeared on Keep It Simple that you might find interesting. The title is “Miss Angela Will Share her Writing Insight”. She is a new character that you will be seeing on several of my blogs who will offer all sorts of writing advice. Miss Angela is my proper school teacher persona so give her a warm welcome and bear with me as I release this part of my personality into the blogosphere. Expressed is accomplished, as Miss Angela would say.

Ren Faire Reese is writing prolifically on The Costume Super Center Blog so visit over there and read some of her great stories. A few of them are pretty intriguing! I won’t give away any more information than that. You’ll have to read the stories for yourself. I think you’ll really enjoy the Whodunit Sherlock Holmes style.

I have a family blog that I keep about my grandchildren, named in honor of one of my grand daughters “Lillie in the Rain”. She is a special lady with a special story which will be unfolding on those pages so drop in sometime and tell me what you think. We’ll be talking about family values and stories involving the heart so please join us. Dance and dreams will be part of the conversation occasionally, too.

I’ve been invited to write some guest posts on Max Blog Press, which is very exciting so watch for news of those articles. Recently, I wrote two guest posts on Trapped in the Office so please drop by and read them. The titles are “Incentives for Freelance Writers” and “The Importance of Networking with Freelance Writers”. Say hi to Katy while you’re over there to let her know you haven’t forgotten about her while she is in South Carolina for the Coke 600 video blogging the Nascar event. Read more at The Biff Files.

Leave a comment and tell me what you would like to read here.
The Midnight Writer


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