Monday, May 4, 2009

The Next Phase in Freelance Writing: Private Clients

LOS ANGELES, CA - APRIL 04:  Writer John Wells...Image by Getty Images via Daylife
It has been a long time in coming for me bit in the past month I have been building a relationship with private clients who sought me out. I was surprised when the offers starting coming into my email inbox. Naturally, I accepted the offers each time they came because they were good offers to write reviews on my blogs.

I held a sense of wonderment at first because I had no idea how these clients found me. Nor did they say. Several of these clients just said they found my blog on an internet search under a certain category.

So I thought to myself, “Wow! I must be doing something right to come up on a list high enough to the top to be noticed on a generic search engine quest!”

Then I realized that I have been following a prescribed method and a purposeful technique. I started blogging over a year ago, closer to fourteen months now. (refer back to Qualifying, the Race is On) so I am traveling back to revisit my beginnings as a blogger and freelance writer. Walk with me as I retrace my steps so we can explore the method that I used. You and I can share in discussions on what worked, why and how along with some talk about what I am doing today to enhance my blogging career.

The root of this discussion will explore the persona known as “private clients”. Exactly what does this mean and should a blogger strive for them?

I’ll give you my interpretation then we’ll look up the definition according to freelance blogging professional guides. Let’s continue this conversation a while and explore all aspects of obtaining private clients. Watch for part two right here on The Midnight Writer’s Freelance Quest.
The Midnight Writer
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