Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today is Another Eventful Day on the Web and Off

My blogs are in great need of constant updating and I am struggling to keep up with the demands of my blogging life, my network and website affiliate work as well as the other ghost writing and freelance writing that I do. It would be easier for me if I was not in transit most of the time on the traveling and peace work that we do for rainbow gatherings and in our ministry. To add to that, we broke down a dozen times if at all in the past 6 months so I'm emotionally not functioning as well as I might if everything was smooth in my life. So I deal with it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What's New on The Midnight Writer's Blogs Network?

The Midnight Writer's Blogs is now listed on Pay Per Post for sponsored conversations. This will help me earn a little more money to invest in the domain network that I'm building until we have lots of private clients. Don't worry though, I'll still write for Pay Per Post and Social Spark because they supported me in my early beginning on this quest as a freelance writer and blogger. Thank you to some awesome companies. Check them out if you want to be paid for blogging. It's fun! If you have any questions about my experience with these companies, I'll be glad to share.

If you haven't signed up yet, then take a few minutes and join right now. Just click the banner below.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Update on My Domain Blogs Content and Layouts

This is the scoop on what's new with The Midnight Writer's domain blogs. If you've been following this blog, then you know that I set out to establish ten domain blogs, to find nice themes or templates for each one, to monetize those blogs at least in a basic fashion and to drive traffic in an attempt to build ranking and readership.

(break all this up into bullet points)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Social Networking has Kept Me Very Busy

For about three months, I have been exploring the social network craze in an effort to understand how it can help me with my professional blog network business. It all began for me last year with Social Spark, which was the blog networking site I joined last spring when I began writing paid blog articles, reviews and advertisements.

Now I can say alot about Social Spark, but I'll save it for another post. This is sort of a flash back review of the past year up until the past three months whenever I began to heavily indulge in social networking. When this post is finished, you'll have a better understanding about the path that brought me to this point in time. I'll use this blog post as a reference point for launching follow up in depth reviews of the different programs and sites that I've joined and you can ask questions to help me zero in on the important facts about it all.

Social Spark peaked my interest in the social networking to help increase traffic to my blogs. It also doubled as a potential source of income once my blogs were up to par for their requirements in order to be a sponsored review writer for Social Spark's advertisers and clients. Just before I joined this network, I started a flew blogs of my own and wondered how to get them noticed to get enough page rank to get paid well for blogging by all these pay to blog companies.

The first blog that I created was a "tumblr" blog titled The Midnight Writer's Freelance Quest which I immediately registered with Social Spark. Here I wrote enthusiastically about Qualifying because the race was on to get noticed as a professional blogger. This tumblr blog has undergone several face changes that lead to the current theme for this blog. Tumblr was a bit slow in offering options and I still haven't figured out how to program their software. Recently, I began to pay more attention to this blog and I'm setting a goal to write on it five days a week as a minimum. You know, I created a scheduling panel for all my blogs to help me focus. Check out my freelance quest and see what you think. I'm starving for comments! Please share your ideas.
In my research, I found Mashable and read articles by Peter Drew who had some amazing ideas. Peter suggested multiplicity to get noticed, so I created 40 blogs on all sorts of social networks and sub domains. This all took place before I understood the importance of paid blog hosting and buying domains. The Mashable event takes us down a trail of ancient history for me, though it was only a year ago. Time seems to have melded into some escalated awareness of blogging and my time seems to be moving rapidly while the past seems ever so far away. Does that make sense to you at all?

The plain explanation about Mashable is this: it involved creating multiple networks on one dashboard, joining all the networks, maintaining blogs, friends and all the things you do in the art of social networking. For me, this means bringing to the forefront all the old social sites that I joined and all the old blogs that were left on the wayside. Being Easter, it's the perfect day to think about resurrection and for my blogs, some of them need brought back to life!

Stay tuned for part two of this journey back into time as I recount my freelance journey.

The Midnight Writer

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Heat is On to Join the Social Network Craze

Blogging is essentially a social interaction. It is a by product of the years of isolating practices such as using the internet to work in solitary offices or cubicles with little to no interaction with the outside world. Lunch evolved into being the highlight of the day. People yearned for that connection with others on a steady basis, even while working in a solitary environment.

Modern times distorted the social fabric of a communal or tribal society that functioned within the family, tribal or community unit. No longer did people work together in physical activities. People moved into cities and separated from their nuclear families and communities to become invisible elements of an ant farm cyber society.

Until the birth of social networks and blogs.

I say the two go hand in hand.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring is Here and I Need to Finish My Blog Spring Cleaning

Here it is early April and I believe spring is finally here. The blossoms are out and buds are on the trees which is my signal that new life is dawning. My blogs need some new life and a lot of clearing out. Just like when you spring clean the house you open the windows to let in the fresh air.

My only question to myself is where to begin?

The logical place to begin, I guess, is right here. Currently, I have half a dozen uncompleted drafts. Most of my posts could use either a few hyperlinks or a photo or even some sentence and content polishing. If you're like me, you blog and write so much as a freelance writer, that when you finish an article or a post it is rare that you return to edit or add to it. I'm finding out though that this practice will lead to a higher quality blog. Looking at articles and posts a second time will often reveal changes that you did not see the first time around.

It's settled then, I 'm polishing this blog. Are you ready to take one of your main blogs into the eyes of your editing critique? Let me know how you fare in this project and please share suggestions, will you?

Another area that needs work in my long list of projects is posting news and updates here on all our domain and developing blogs. I've been very negligent in this area. You will see about two dozen posts during the course of this month as I run to catch up on the workload.

I have one new announcement today. Cephas, the Photo Gent, my partner at Mountain Spirit Productions and in this mega blogging network we've created, as well as my partner in life, has created his own blog. Check it out at Almost Everything Under the Sun. It is his very first blog flying solo. I usually write and he does social networking, graphics, technical, advertising,etc. So give Cephas a big boost in confidence to encourage him onward by visiting his blog today and please leave some comment and link love.

Follow Cephas on Twitter.

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