Sunday, April 12, 2009

Social Networking has Kept Me Very Busy

For about three months, I have been exploring the social network craze in an effort to understand how it can help me with my professional blog network business. It all began for me last year with Social Spark, which was the blog networking site I joined last spring when I began writing paid blog articles, reviews and advertisements.

Now I can say alot about Social Spark, but I'll save it for another post. This is sort of a flash back review of the past year up until the past three months whenever I began to heavily indulge in social networking. When this post is finished, you'll have a better understanding about the path that brought me to this point in time. I'll use this blog post as a reference point for launching follow up in depth reviews of the different programs and sites that I've joined and you can ask questions to help me zero in on the important facts about it all.

Social Spark peaked my interest in the social networking to help increase traffic to my blogs. It also doubled as a potential source of income once my blogs were up to par for their requirements in order to be a sponsored review writer for Social Spark's advertisers and clients. Just before I joined this network, I started a flew blogs of my own and wondered how to get them noticed to get enough page rank to get paid well for blogging by all these pay to blog companies.

The first blog that I created was a "tumblr" blog titled The Midnight Writer's Freelance Quest which I immediately registered with Social Spark. Here I wrote enthusiastically about Qualifying because the race was on to get noticed as a professional blogger. This tumblr blog has undergone several face changes that lead to the current theme for this blog. Tumblr was a bit slow in offering options and I still haven't figured out how to program their software. Recently, I began to pay more attention to this blog and I'm setting a goal to write on it five days a week as a minimum. You know, I created a scheduling panel for all my blogs to help me focus. Check out my freelance quest and see what you think. I'm starving for comments! Please share your ideas.
In my research, I found Mashable and read articles by Peter Drew who had some amazing ideas. Peter suggested multiplicity to get noticed, so I created 40 blogs on all sorts of social networks and sub domains. This all took place before I understood the importance of paid blog hosting and buying domains. The Mashable event takes us down a trail of ancient history for me, though it was only a year ago. Time seems to have melded into some escalated awareness of blogging and my time seems to be moving rapidly while the past seems ever so far away. Does that make sense to you at all?

The plain explanation about Mashable is this: it involved creating multiple networks on one dashboard, joining all the networks, maintaining blogs, friends and all the things you do in the art of social networking. For me, this means bringing to the forefront all the old social sites that I joined and all the old blogs that were left on the wayside. Being Easter, it's the perfect day to think about resurrection and for my blogs, some of them need brought back to life!

Stay tuned for part two of this journey back into time as I recount my freelance journey.

The Midnight Writer


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