Saturday, March 8, 2014

Private Eye Jane is a Mystery Shopper

I'm excited to introduce our friend Private Eye Jane into the blogging network here at Mountain Spirit Productions. She will share her adventures as a secret mystery shopper and a super sleuth wanna be covert affairs operative. Spying intrigues Jane and so do unsolved mysteries. It will be fun to read her adventures online. So join us in following her blog.

Private Eye Jane shares stories about a typical mystery shoppers day. She adds some adventure into her tales and leaves room for the mystery to be solved by your own queries. Jane hints at her secret desire to be a covert operative and live the adventurous life of a spy. But then she comes right back to being the compassionate person that she is and shares stories, leads and insights about missing persons. Every now and then, Jane goes historic on us and takes a leap into ancient history where she explores the unknown and the unexplained.

We're just so tickled to have Private Eye Jane's adventurous persona join our blogging network team. 


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