Monday, March 31, 2014

Vigneron Legacy

Do it for the love of the wine and its rich cultural history! Or if you are mystery shopper like my friend Private Eye Jane, visit this new blog to learn about all the special events in wine country. Jane loves these shops because the fringe benefits are tasty!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Almost Everything under the Sun

The name says it all! This blog is a mega smorgasbord for all sorts of topics and products. Join in the fun in seeking everything under the sun!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Dog Named Elvis

Well, you ain't nothin' but a hound dog
Barkin' all the time

(insert video)

Ah yes, the memories of the King of Rock 'n Roll....and my mother's dog named after the most famous singer of all time, Elvis!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Blogging for Dollars

The title sounds like a gimmick but it is for real. There is money to made in the blogging world. Some companies just want you to crank out short little clips for a few bucks and one link. Now these articles are fine to take if you just need to make some quick steady cash. One company that is really good at assigning steady work is Pay U 2 Blog. This company is not easy to get accepted into as a blogger though even though they offer the lower paying shorter blog posts with one link. Pay U 2Blog is really particular about the age, quality and ranking of your blog. And they don't like a lot of affiliate links or hidden code in your blog layout code so clean it up before you apply. When you are ready to check them out, go on over to and give them a try.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Sometimes children just totally surprise and intimidate me with the wisdom that comes out of their mouths. I cherish the innocent wise council of my grandchildren and have learned to pay attention to what they have to say. In honor of our youth who will carry this world into the future, I created the blog Wisdom in Youth.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Appalachian Folk Tales

I grew up in the Allegheny Appalachian mountains in Pennsylvania where folk tales were a plenty. So it is only natural to add a blog that features these tales. I called it Appalachian Folk Tales. Join me for fun, intrigue, laughter and suspense as we explore the stories passed down from generation to generation.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Walk in the Organic Garden Grove

There is nothing more fragrant than an herbal garden and it is one of my favorite places to linger. Since I have such a love for healing medicinal herbs and edible wild plants, I decided to create a blog on which to share my love for plants. Cephas and I have spent many hours in the woods and mountains foraging for the sacred wild edibles and healing plants. We would like to share some of the knowledge that we gained from those experiences on Organic Garden Grove.

Organic gardening is a vast topic so I believe there will be endless subjects for  conversation on this blog. As readers, I welcome your input and suggestions.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Enter the Fifth Dimension World

We are traveling into outer space and beyond with this blog. Join us for some dimension hopping and space exploration while we uncover the hidden mysteries of our universe and its multiple dimensional worlds. Space is an endless vast place and humanity will never in one age of a thousand years or ten million years, discover all its secrets. But we can explore each new discovery made by NASA and other scientific organizations.

The weather both on earth and in space has been changing drastically compared to a normal pattern set over one hundred years. This may be how weather evolves but the extreme occurance of super storms, CME's and solar flares and the appearance of asteroids or comets keeps us keenly aware how small and vulnerable earth really is in the scheme of things. It also awakens us to the limitless possibilities of encounters with heavenly bodies and elements we have yet to understand.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Private Eye Jane is a Mystery Shopper

I'm excited to introduce our friend Private Eye Jane into the blogging network here at Mountain Spirit Productions. She will share her adventures as a secret mystery shopper and a super sleuth wanna be covert affairs operative. Spying intrigues Jane and so do unsolved mysteries. It will be fun to read her adventures online. So join us in following her blog.

Private Eye Jane shares stories about a typical mystery shoppers day. She adds some adventure into her tales and leaves room for the mystery to be solved by your own queries. Jane hints at her secret desire to be a covert operative and live the adventurous life of a spy. But then she comes right back to being the compassionate person that she is and shares stories, leads and insights about missing persons. Every now and then, Jane goes historic on us and takes a leap into ancient history where she explores the unknown and the unexplained.

We're just so tickled to have Private Eye Jane's adventurous persona join our blogging network team. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Talk about Baseball and Apple Pie

Now you cannot get any more American than baseball and apple pie! As a unique twist, we created this blog to discuss the game, famous players, little league games, softball teams in business and all things baseball related. To boot, we're throwing in historical research on baseball then amping up the menu to add all sorts of tidbits about apple pie. Of course, some recipes and historical anecdotes about apple pie will be thrown into the mix. We'll throw it all into the blog blender and see what comes up cooking while runners try to steal the bases. Get ready for some fun this season and if you have stories to share about either baseball or pie, leave a comment with your email so we can contact you. Maybe you will be the star feature of the month!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Welcome more new additions to the Network


It has been a busy winter/early spring season for us at Mountain Spirit Productions as we continue to upgrade and add new blogs to The Midnight Writer's Network. As a writer, I am personally bursting with new ideas all the time. Sometimes it is difficult to keep up with myself! Let me introduce you to some of the newest line ups in the blogging network. As always, I am open to hear your feedback, opinions and constructive criticism on the blog themes, content, creativity or design. Please leave your comments at the end of each post in question and either I or my partner, Cephas, will answer your comments.

The image at the top of this post is a screen shot of one of my latest blogs The Worldwide Marketplace. It is a resurrection of a much older website that my spouse and I created fifteen years ago. The website was filled with quips, anecdotes, cute ad displays, animation, multiple pages with stories and links to markets of products from around the world. The website sold everything from space tickets to exotic foods to African Safaris. We had so much fun working with it and building the website. Technology and the forms of advertising have both evolved dramatically since then but we realize that people are still interested in finding out about unusual products and they want to have fun shopping. Though this blog will pale in comparison to the anecdotal website of the same name, we will strive to bring you stories about the latest products while also attempting to keep up with current market demands in the items we will blog about. In the near future, we will provide some affiliate links which will lead to products that we get paid to promote. So if you like what you read, support this blog by clicking the affiliate links and help us make a little jingle.

There are so many other blogs in the works that are being either upgraded or newly built. We will mention a few titles that will be featured here on this blog as they debut. Some of the blogs you will hear about are:
  • Baseball and Apple Pie
  • Private Eye Jane
  • Destiny Earth
  • Everything under the Sun
  • Organic Garden Grove
  • Wisdom in Youth
  • Acts of Good Samaritans
  • The Fifth Dimension World
  • Appalachian Folk Tales
  • Legends of Giants on Earth
Come back and visit often to find out what's new on each of the blogs in our network. We'll try to post a monthly update with the links to the blog posts of interest. A new feature we'll be developing is the most popular blog posts in our network. We want to give them a second chance to be read by another audience so we'll feature those story links on this blog. Until next time, enjoy reading and surfing the web.

The Midnight Writer

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