Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Seven Thunders Blog explores Prophecies for Today

The Seven Thunders are found specifically in Revelation 10 in the Holy Bible.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Join the Matrix

Don't get too excited because you will not find Kianu Reeves in this matrix. But you will find a vast network of good reading that provides educational information for freelance writers, bloggers and business people who are into network marketing.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sweet Connie's Treats adds Sugar to my Spicy Blog Mix

This site is absolutely delectable! True to its name, Sweet Connie's Treats is filled with candies, confections, pastries and ideas for buying or baking all of the above mentioned sweet treats. For fun, we'll throw in a little research and history on the candy and confection industry. Watch to see what comes out of the oven next!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Souls Lost at Sea

My spouse and I took a trip to the Oregon coast one year and stopped at all the light houses that we could find. During this adventure, we found many dedication plaques on monuments and mini lighthouse replicas for the people who have lost their lives at sea. We felt it would be an honor to feature some of these stories so they will be remembered for the sacrifices they made in order to feed their families or to defend our coastline.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Blog U Back

The concept with this site is to explore the guest posting tradition practiced by bloggers and freelance writing companies alike.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Revolution Matrix One

The name implies a revolutionary blog and indeed it is that!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Eat Fresh Organics

Sounds healthy, doesn't it? Well, organic food is healthy and the more fresh it is the more nutrients you will derive from your food. But I'll save all that information for articles on this blog that is going to feature all sorts of organic foods, sources, gardening techniques and even recipes.

Stoke up the Fire for our new Campfire Traditions Blog

You grab the marshmallows and I'll bring a load of firewood. Let's get the sleeping bags, tents, and other gear, load the family into the van and head for the forests. It is camping time and we are going to document our adventures on this blog. So tell all your outdoor loving friends to pull up a marshmallow roasting stick and join us right her on Campfire Traditions.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

5 Ways to Critique your own Blog

Here is the part where self editing gets really tricky. Freelance writers whether they write novels, content, or blog posts are not always objective about their own work. I fit into that category as well. Since it is an essential part of the writing process, I have developed a little system to help me get to the submit portion for each work I write.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Elite Blog Reviews

The name sounds regal and that is the intention for this blog. I wanted to create something that had more class with distinguished writing reviews. Let us see how this works out for me as a freelance writer. I am always open for insight and tips as well as comments on my work. So take a few minutes out of your busy day and visit my blog Elite Blog Reviews to let me know how I'm doing as professional blogger.

Evey professional creative writer or blogger understands how important page rank is for your blog or website. It does not matter how talented a writer you may be if you don't have an audience. I have found a remedy for getting readers to my blog which increases my page rank on the major search engines and just makes me feel good. The satisfaction for me, as a writer, is to have my posts or articles read by others. Feedback is really important, too.

In my quest for gaining an audience, I found that mailer programs, list building programs and traffic exchange advertising programs work very well. If you want to start with just one of these mailer programs to gain some experience, I recommend the State of the Art Mailer. Just click the banner below to sign up. Join for free until you decide if this is a tool that you want to continue to use. There are options available for upgrading. Did I mention that you can make money with this system? So go ahead, help yourself gain traffic and sign up under me by clicking the banner below so you can help me out. I'll earn commissions for sharing this information with you if you sign up and upgrade. You will earn commissions for any one that you recruit, aside from getting an audience to your site and other great benefits available with the State of the Art Mailer.

Be sure to visit me on Elite Blog Reviews for more valuable freelance writing, blogging and advertising tips and information. Oh, and you will get to read some good stories from time to time!

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Content Writing is different than Blogging

There is always this question in new freelance bloggers minds. Is content writing really much different than blogging?

The answer is a resounding "Yes!" unless you are writing content for a company blog. Then it still differs than your personal blog writing where you find your unique voice and choose random content as you are inspired. This form of writing puts you in a different head space as far as creativity is concerned. Content writing takes a bit more thinking and some editing to make sure the form, sentence structure and content is written according to the grammar rules.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Writer's Eyes

This blog is my professional creative freelance writing masterpiece. Here, I showcase poetry, prose, and short story fiction. A Writer's Eyes is a compilation of my most inspired work on the internet for this genre. Some day, I intend to take all the poetry, prose and short stories and publish my own anthology of my personal work.

Friday, April 4, 2014

7 Ways Freelance Writers can find Work

Let's face it, freelance writing has become a very competitive, prolific and evolved industry ever since the internet found its way into mainstream society. Because of the internet, many paper publications are closing their doors. This seems tragic but cultures must learn to adjust to the ebb and flow of progress and evolution. With that in mind, as a freelance writer your world is ever changing. Now you must find new ways to find work. The old magazine pitch that gave writers a quarterly opportunity to score big with a byline and a nice paycheck is no longer a viable option. That isn't to say there are not still some sound paper publications that will survive the electronic publishing age. In light of the changes, I have explored other options. What I came up is an outline of seven ways that freelance writers can find work.

1. Traditional Job Searches in the Local Community

Utilize the local newspapers and online job listing agencies. Apply in person or electronically but be sure to follow up occasionally to let them know you are still interested.

2. Craigslist

Everything sells on Craigslist! And content writing or freelance articles are just as viable as a good used vehicle or a refurbished lawn mower. So write some creative ad copy and sell samples of your work such as a small article booklet or poetry chapbook. When you ship the item, include your business card and a listing of available content, blogs, booklets, books, magazine articles or ebooks.

3. Content Companies

There are many article content companies that hire writers as independent contractors. Some operate by assigning work and others work like an article auction. A good one that I have found success with is Constant Content. Look for the widget in my sidebar and check it out for yourself. The pay varies according to what you request. The host company always gets a percentage for allowing you to use their platform, software, hosting and list of potential clients.

4. Paid Blogging Companies 

The blogging market has evolved rapidly over the last seven years. Change in this field are almost constant and companies come and go. Find companies that hire a panel of bloggers to accommodate their clients by performing a search on the major search engines. I can recommend two that I have been with for several years who still operate. Check out Blogsvertise (dot com) and Social Spark. (dot com) Be sure to follow their instructions for setting up your blog(s).

5. Magazines

There are hundreds of magazines, if not thousands, in the literary market who are looking for freelance writers. Many have either converted to electronic magazines completely and some have both the electronic and hard copy. Submitting articles to established magazines is a lengthy process but one that should not be ignored. Utilize other more swift resources while you prepare your portfolio, sample writings and pitches.

6. Social Networks

Again, there are hundreds of social networks with about two dozen being the most common. Sign up for accounts in as many of these networks as you can find. Build a good profile page, include your links to other networks and to your personal blogs to drive the traffic to your sites. Again, you get an audience. Post a little background about yourself and a small ad offering your talents to your friends.

7.  Advertise yourself. Create your personal brand and use ad exchanges, online text classifieds, online magazine classifieds, list builders and any type of advertising available electronically. Utilize social groups and pages to brand yourself and post information about your work.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Countdown to 2012 is now The Fifth Dimension World

Obviously, 2012 has come and gone so we lived through the predicted date of earth's demise. For that reason, I changed the name to The Fifth Dimension World. This blog features stories of comets, asteroids, solar flares, CME's, planetary alignments and of course, prophecy.

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