Sunday, March 22, 2009

Your Business Life Needs to be in Sync with your Spiritual Life

There is no separation between your spiritual life and your business life. Every moment that you are alive belongs to God who gave that moment to you. Use every one of those moments to His glory, if you are a professed believer. Live in His will, His spirit in every moment and in every aspect of your life.

Business is not a separate part of who you are spiritually. Learn how you can be an example and a witness in all areas of your life in every moment that you live. Being a blogger gives ample opportunity to share Christ and your faith in many ways. You can write to uplift, to inspire, to encourage. You can help others have faith simply by your witness.

The Days of March are Melting Away

Have you noticed that when you try to get a lot done that time just rolls away?

It has been especially true for me lately. Ever since I began a serious effort to establish a blogging and freelance writing business, time just seems to slip on into the future. (yeah, I borrowed that from a song, so I'm going to share the video.)

When I set the intention to update my blogs regularly and to post updates about all my work on all my blogs, on new domains and my website, I forgot one very important thing.

Life Happens. Life is unpredictable.

Unforseen things in life happen.

Time unfolds according to the will of the spirit of God and if you are in tune with that spirit, sometimes you just need to go with the leading and the flow of the river of time and life.

That is what happened this winter.

I was reminded about the power of the universe.
I was reminded about following the will of God.
I was reminded that you cannot control most things in life.

One can only set intentions and hope that those intentions are aligned with the supreme Creator and the will of the universe.

There are no regrets if you go with the flow of the spirit.

Only lessons and experiences.
Take them for what they are and embrace life.

Realize that time is fleeting. All you have is this second. Nothing more. As soon as one second passes you are living in the now which quickly passes into the future moment. The past is not retrievable. Rather, the past was created to help us remember. To learn. To grow. And to appreciate the moment.

Somewhere along this road, I took a big detour into my destiny. I thought I understood my part in my life and that I knew what my calling required of me. I failed to realize that God only gives us knowledge of our future moments in small increments as we are able to receive them. Otherwise, our free will to choose and to walk in the now would be compromised, and our great lessons as mortals would be in vain. We are on this earth to experience, to grow, to learn how to be flesh and spirit. This is the greatest opportunity that God could give his children.

This winter, I took a trip with my husband to Washington D.C. I/we thought we knew how it would work out because we knew why we went there and what we needed to do. Speaking for myself, I had no idea about any of it whatsoever. I had to surrender to the will and spirit of Almighty God as He took hold of my/our intentions and let His Will that we prayed to be done unfold. What a surprise!

I/we are still digesting all of this past six months of our lives trying to understand what it means, what we learned and where do we go from here.

There are some things about purpose and direction that I understand very well. I just don't know the details of the how, when, where, why, who and how much...not yet. But I'm putting my ear to the wind to listen for the call of the spirit and praying that I will hear with my heart and spirit so I won't need to be reminded by God getting my attention. Spending two months in a parking lot at Walmart will really get your attention!

The Holy Spirit of God is calling me back to the fold of the will of His love and His Spirit to work in His will all my moments. I am indeed walking the Jericho road and need to focus my time, my energy, my heart, in the service of Jesus the Christ, who is my Lord and Savior. I will be sharing more of my spiritual heart with my readers and testifying of God's great love, mercy, and grace.

May we all walk in peace of the spirit and in the will of God every moment as time slips into the future and finally into eternity.

The Midnight Writer

Sunday, March 1, 2009

You've Got to Keep on Moving!

Here's the skinny update on some of my domain blogs. I have been super busy trying to catch up to all the assignments necessary to keep this blogging business on the move.

Blog Day Planner - most recent update was today with the post "Rainy Day in Tennesee". This post contains some good information so take a look at it and give me your feedback, please. Be sure to visit the sidebar on my blogs and others when you visit. Very often, they contain gems.

The Midnight Writer

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